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Reverend Elder Cole was born  in the pristene central Willamette Valley of Oregon on the 17th of October in the year 1955.


Reverend Cole grew up studying he word of our lord as hispersonal passion. He predominently studied under the guidence of  in the   church ministries.


Reverend Elder Cole graduated from  High School in the class of 1973. He was best noted for his wonderul skill on the football field where he played varsity for the school team.


Reverend Cole focused his professional trade in the field of construction as he is very talented in the field of woodworking. He also has maintained his license for Asbestos handling for more than 15 years as well.


Reverend Elder Cole married the mother of his son "Lil Kev" in 1994 and their son was born in Apri of 1995. They spent the bulk of there years together as a family in our ministries foundational root city of Harrisburg, Oregon until the summer of 2013 when they parted ways as Reverend Elder Cole persued the lords work on a more permanent basis, leadin him to the peaceful little community of Cheshire where he and his companion pooch Milly find themselves warmly welcomed among good friends and family-figures.



About Reverend Elder Kevin Cole

Reverend Elder Kevin Cole on the McKenzie River in the Cascadia Mountains of the Willamette National Forest in the central western valley of Oregon

                                     July of 2013

                          Photo by: Rev. Joy Graves

Reverend Elder Cole is a lover and respector of nature, first and foremost. he loves life and all things living, especially enjoying the critters in their natural habitat and the unspoiled sanctuary of God's garden here on mother earth as a whole.


A fisher of men whom Loves to fish, you will more often than not find Reverend Elder Cole out floating on a boat and fishing the local rivers and streams with good friends and endless smiles, though he does enjoy the challenges of sea fishing as well when the opportunity presents itself as any good fisherman would.


When seeking Reverend Elder Cole out and about in the great outdoors, you are likely to find he & his faithful and loyal companion pooch Molly along with dearly trusted friends such as brotha Don and sista Marla, enjoying their day somewhere near a fairly secluded yet primal fishing spot encompassed by nature in as raw as you could hope it to be, kicking up their heels and having a good time fine tuning with the "Good Vibes" of mother earth and our great father creator.

Reverend Elder Cole is openly welcome to perform the greater majority of your pastorial needs including performing such ceremonies as Weddings, Renewal of Vowels, Baptisms, Christenings, Memorials, Celebration of Life Ceremonies, and so forth either traditionally or to fit your dreams and desires.

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         396 So. 2nd Street

        Harrisburg, Oregon

            (541) 214-0074

Rev. Joy M. Graves


Rev. Pastor Gerald Timm


Rev. Joseph Machtemes


Rev. Brandon Timm


Rev. Crockett Anderson


Rev. Elder Kevin Cole

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