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The Secret Text of John

Among the several dozen ancient Gnostic manuscripts rediscovered in modern times, the Secret Book of John is generally agreed to be the most important. It has been called the locus classicus for the Gnostic mythological system – in sum, it is the preeminent “Gnostic Gospel”, a sacred reservoir for the defining essence of Gnostic myth and revelation.  It breathes with the life of vision that vitalized early Christianity, a life suppressed and then largely forgotten in later ages. From a modern reading of this crucially important and recently rediscovered "Gospel", we are granted fundamental insights into the lost foundations of Christian tradition.

Apocryphon Iohannis – the Apocryphon of John – is the title that appears on the original manuscripts, and by this title the text has been known in scholarly circles over the last fifty years. In Greek, apocryphon literally means “hidden” or “secret”, thus in recent popular literature the title is usually translated as either the Secret Book of John or The Secret Revelation of John. 


By its own declaration, the Secret Book of John is a sacred text intended to be shared only with individuals properly prepared to receive its revelation. In second-century Christian communions circulation of the text probably remained restricted.  Amazingly, despite limited circulation and  the effective later efforts by evolving Christian orthodoxy to destroy all such “heretical” scriptures, four separate manuscripts of the SBJ have survived into our own age. Three of these were found among the Nag Hammadi codices discovered in 1945, while a fourth copy was independently recovered fifty years earlier from another site in Egypt. All four versions date to the fourth century. Three of the four appear to be independently produced Coptic translations of an original text in Greek. Two of the four manuscripts (NHC II and NHC IV) are so similar that they most likely represent copies of a single common source.

To put in context the uniqueness of finding four complete copies of a document of this extreme antiquity, note that we possess only two fairly complete manuscripts of the canonical gospels of equal age (the Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus).  Only a few fragments of canonical texts with dates of creation earlier than the fourth century have survived. These four manuscripts of the Apocryphon of John represent some of the oldest known surviving books. From the ancient sands of Egypt, they come to our modern age bearing a timeless message.



1 The teaching [of the Savi]or and the re[vel]ation of the mysteries [together with the things] hidden in silence a[nd those (things) w]hich he taught to Joh[n, his dis]ciple.

2 [Now] it happened one [d]ay when John [the brother] of James, the so[n]s of Ze[bed]ee, was going up to the temple, a [Pha]risee named Arimanios [appr]oached him. And he said to him, "Where is your teacher, the one whom you used to follow?"

I [said] to him, "He returned to the pla[ce] from which he came." The Pharisee [said to me, "This Nazorene] deceived you (pl.) with error. He filled [your (pl.) ears with lies], and he shut [your hearts. He turned you (pl.)] from the tradi[tions of your fathers."

When I, John,] heard] these things, [I turned] from the temp[le to a mountainous and desert place] and I grieved [greatly in my heart, asking] "How [was the Savior appointed?"] and "Why was he sent [into the world] by h[is father? Who is his] father who [sent him? And of what sort] is [that] aeon [to which we will go?] For what did he slay about it? He told us] that the aeon to which [we will go is mo]deled on the [indestructible] aeon, [but he did not tea]ch us abou[t what sort] the latter is.]"

3 Just th[en, while I was thinking these things, behold the [heavens opened, and] the [whole] crea[tion] below the heaven [was] illumi­nated. And [the world] quaked.

[I] was [afraid and behold] in the light [I] saw [a child stand]ing by me. When I sa[w him, he becam] e like an old person and he shifted hi]s semblance, becoming like a servant. These (semblances) before me were not multiple beings but there was only a (single) [li]keness [having] many forms in the lig[ht]. And the [semblances] appeared through each other, a[nd] the [semblan]ce had three forms.

[He] said to me, "John, Jo[h]n, why do you doubt and why [are you] fearful? Are [you] are a stranger to this likeness?—This is to say, do not [be] faint[hea]rted! I am the one who [dwells with you (pl.)] al­ways. I [am the Father. I am] the Mother. I am the So[n]. I am the one who is undefiled and unpolluted.

      [Now I have come to teach] you what exists [and what has come into being       an]d what must [come into being so that you will under­stand the] things       which are not apparent [and those which are appar­ent, and to teach] you       about the [immovable] genera[tion of] the perfe[ct Human.

      N]ow [then lift up] your [face so that] you will [receive] the things that       [I will teach you] today [and you will tell them to your fellow] spirits       who c[ome from the immovable] generation of the perfect Hu­man.

4 And [I asked so that I might [know.

      And he said] to me, "The Monad [is a mo]narch[y with]out any­thing       existing over it. [It exists as the God] and Father of the [A]ll., the [invisi]ble       which dwells above [the All, ...] imperishableness which exi[sts as the]       pure light upon which it is not possible for any eye to] gaze.

      [It is the] invisible [Spirit], and It is not appropriate [to consider It]       to be like the g[o]ds or that It is something similar. For It is more than       divine, [without anything] existing over It. For nothing lords [over It].

      [. . .] not [...] in an[yth]ing less [... exists in It.

      It alone [is eternal] since It does not need [anything.] For It is totally       perfect. [It] does not [lack] anything such that [anything] would perfect       It, [but] It is [al]ways completely perfect in [light]. It can­not be [limi]ted       because there is nothing [before It] to limit It. [It is] inscrut[able       because there] is no one who exists before It [to scrutinine It.] [It is       im]measurable because there is nothing [which exists before It to measure]       It. [It is] in[visible because there is] no one to see [It. It is an       eternity existing] eternally. [It is ineffable because] there is no one       able to comprehend It in order to sp[eak about It.] It is [un]nameable       because [there is no one before It] to name [It.] It is [the immeasurable       light,] which is pure, [holy, and unpolluted. It is in]effable [being       perfect i]n incorruptibility. (It does) [not] (exist) in per[fection],       blessed[ness, or] divini[ty] but It is [far] supe­rior (to these).

      It is neither corporeal [nor in]corporeal. [It] is not large or small. [It       is not] such that one could [say] that It has quantity or [quality]. For       it is not possible for anyone [to know It]. It is not something among       [existing things, but It is] far [super]ior—[not] as [being supe­rior] (to       others as though It is comparable to them) but as that which belongs to       Itself. It does [not partici]pate in the aeons or in time (as a       constitutive part of them). For that which participates i[n an aeon] was       first prepared (by others). It was [not given a p]ortion in time [because]       It does not receive anything [from anoth]er- for [what­ever] It received       would be received as a loan. For what exists prior] to anything else is       not deficient such that It should receive [from any­thing].

      For this one gazes marveling at Itself [alone] in Its light. [...] For It       is a vastness. [It possesses the immeasurable [simpli]city. [It is] an       aeo[n gi]ving aeon, life giving [life, a ble]ssed one giving blessedness,       a knowledge giving understanding, a goo[d one giving] goodness. It is       mer[cy giving] mercy and salvation. It is grace giving grac[e—not] such       that it possesses it but that It gives.

5 [How am I to speak] with you about the immeasurable,       incomprehen[sible light]? [For] Its [aeon] is indestructible, being       tranquil [and] existing in [si­lence, being at rest]. It exists prior [to       the All, for] It is the he[a]d of [all] the aeons [and] It gives them       strength in Its goodness.

      For we do not [understand these ineffable matters, and] none of us knows       those [immeasurable] things ex[cept for] the one who appeared from the       Father. This is the one who [spoke to us alone].

      For (It is) the one who gazes at Itself [alone] in Its light that       sur­rounds [It], which is the spring of the living water.

      And It provides for [all] the ae[ons].

      And in every way It ga[zes upon] Its image, seeing it in the spring of the       Spirit, willing in Its light-w[ater which is in the spri]ng of the pure       light[-water which] surrounds It.

      And [Its thinking became a] thing. And she who ap[pea]red in Its presence       in [the lu]min[escence of] Its light was revealed. She is the first [power       who came into] being before them a[ll.. She appeared] from Its thought,       [the Pronoia of the All], her light [. . .] light, the [perfect] power,       that is, [the image of the perfect invisible vir­ginal Spirit, [the first       po]wer, the glory of Barbelo, the glory which is perfect in the aeons, the       glory of the revelation.

      [She] glorified the virginal Spirit and praised It since she had ap­peared       because of It. That one is the first Thought (Protennoia) of Its image.       She became a womb for the All because she is prior to them all, the       Mother-Father, the first Human, the holy Spirit, the triple male, the       triple power, the triple named androgyne, and the eter­nal aeon among the       invisible ones, and the first to come forth.

6 Barbelo requested the invisible virginal Spirit to give her       Fo[re]kn[ow]ledge. And the Spirit stared. When [It stared], Fore­knowledge       was revealed [an]d stood with [P]ronoia. She is from] the Thought of the       invisible [vir]ginal Spirit. She glorified It a[nd] Its perfect power [Ba]rbelo,       fo[r] it was b[eca]use of her that she had come into being.

      A[nd again she reque[st]ed (It) to give her In[destr]uct[ibility]. And It       stared. And in [Its staring], Indest[ruct]ibility [was revealed. And she       stood with Thought and Foreknowledge. She glorified the Invisible one and       Barbelo, for they had come into being because of her.

      And Barbelo requested (It) to give her Ete[r]nal L[ife]. And the       in[v]isible Spirit stared. And in Its staring, Eternal Life was re­vealed.       And [they s]to[od]. They glorified the invisible [Spit]it and Barbelo, for       they had come into being because of her.

      And again she asked (It) to give to her Truth. And the invisible Spirit       stared. Truth was revealed. And they stood. They glorified the invisible       Spirit who was approving and his Barbelo, for they had come into being       because of her.

      This is the pentad of the Aeons of the Father, who is the first Human, the       image of the invisible Spirit. This is Pronoia, namely: Barbelo, Thought,       Foreknowledge, Indestructibility, Eternal Life, and Truth. This is the       androgynous pentad of the Aeons which is the decad of Aeons, the Father.      

7 And It gazed into Barbelo in the pure light which surrounds the       in­visible Spirit and Its luminescence, and she conceived from It. It       begot a spark of light in a light resembling blessedness, but it was [not]       equal to Its greatness. This one was only-begotten of the Mother‑Father       who had appeared. He is his only offspring, the only-begotten of the       Father, the pure light.

      Then the invisible virginal Spirit rejoiced over the light [which] had       come into being, that one who first appeared from the first power of Its       Pronoia, which is Barbelo. And It [an]ointed him from Its own       goodness/Christhood until he became perfect, not lacking anything of [good]ness/[Christ]hood       because It had anointed him in the [goo]d[ndss/[Chri]st[ho]od of the       invisible Spirit. And he stood in Its presence while It poured upon him.       A[nd] im[medi]ately when he had received from the Sp[irit, he] gl[or]ified       the holy Spirit and the perfect Pro[n]oia, for he had been revealed       because of her. And he asked to be given a fellow worker, which is Mind.       And It stared. And in the invisible Spirit's act of staring, Mind was       re­vealed. And he stood with Christ, glorifying him and Barbelo, for all       these came into being in silence.

      And Thought willed to create a work through the Word of the invisible       Spirit, and his Will became a work. And he was revealed with Mind and       Light, glorifying It. And the Word followed the Will. For because of the       Word, Christ the divine Autogenes created the All. Eternal Life with Will,       and Mind with Foreknowledge stood. They glorified the invisible Spirit and       Barbelo for they had come into being because of her.

      And the holy Spirit perfected the divine Autogenes, the son of Itself and       Barbelo, so he might stand before the great and invisible virginal Spirit.       The divine Autogenes, the Christ, (is) that one who honored It with a       mighty voice. He appeared through the Pronoia. And the invisible virginal       Spirit placed Autogenes as true god over the All Nand It subjected to him       all authority and the truth which dwells in It so that he might know the       All. (He is) that one whose name they call by a name which is more exalted       than any name. For they will say that name to those who are worthy of it.

8 For from the light, which is the Christ, and Indestructibility,       through the gift of the Spirit, he gazed out so as to cause the four       Lights from the divine Autogenes to stand before him.

      And the three (are): Will, Thought, and Life. And the four powers are:       Understanding, Grace, Perception, and Prudence. Now it is Grace which       dwells in the Light Aeon Armozel, who is the first angel. And three other       Aeons are with this Aeon: Grace, Truth, Form. And the second Light Oriael       is the one who was established over the second Aeon. And three other Aeons       are with him: Pronoia, Percep­tion, Memory. And the third Light is       Daveithai, the one who was es­tablished over the third Aeon. And the three       other Aeons with him are: Understanding, Love, and Likeness. And the       fourth Aeon was established over the fourth Light Eleleth. And the [th]ree       Aeons with him are: Perfection, Peace, Wisdom. These are the four Lights       who stand before the divine Autogenes. These are the twelve Aeons which       stand before the Son of the great Autogenes Christ, through the will and       the gift of the invisible Spirit. And the twelve Aeons belong to the Son       of [A]utogenes.

9 And the All was firmly founded through the will of the holy       Spirit, through Autogenes. And from the Foreknowledge of the perfect Mind       through the revelation of the will of the invisible Spirit and the will of       Autogenes, the invisible Spirit named the perfect Human, the first       revelation and the truth, Pigera-Adamas.

      And It set him up over the first Aeon with the great Autogenes Christ,       beside the first Light, Armozel. And Its powers dwelled with him.

      And the Invisible one gave him an unconquerable intellectual power. And he       spoke and glorified and praised the invisible Spirit, saying, Because of       you the All came into being and it is to you that the All will return. And       I will praise and glorify you and Autogenes with the three Aeons: the       Father, the Mother, the Child, the perfect power.' And It set up his Child       Seth over the second Aeon beside the second Light Oroiel. And in the third       Aeon were set up the seed of Seth over the third Light, Daveithai. And the       holy souls were set up. In the fourth Aeon were set up the souls of those       who were igno­rant of the Fullness and did not repent immediately but they       per­sisted a while. And afterward they repented. They dwelled beside the       fourth Light Eleleth. These are the creatures who glorify the in­visible       Spirit.

10 Sophia of the Epinoia, being an Aeon, thought a thought from       within herself and the thought of the invisible Spirit and Foreknowledge.       She willed a likeness to appear from within herself without the will of       the Spirit—It had not approved—and without her partner and without his       consideration. For the countenance of her masculinity did not approve, and       she had not found her partner. She deliberated apart from the will of the       Spirit and the understanding of her partner. She brought forth.

      Because of the unconquerable power within her, her thought did not remain       idle. And an imperfect product appeared from her, and it was different       from her pattern because she created it without her partner. And it was       not patterned after the likeness of its Mother, for it had a different       form. When she saw (the product of) her will, it was dif­ferent, a model       of a lion-faced serpent. His eyes were like flashing fires of lightning.       She cast him out from her, outside of those places so that none among the       immortals might see him, for she had cre­ated him in ignorance.

      And she surrounded him with a luminous cloud. And she placed a throne in       the midst of the cloud in order that no one might see him except the holy       Spirit, who is called the mother of the living. She named him Yaltabaoth.       This is the Chief Ruler, the one who got a great power from his Mother.

11 And he withdrew from her and he abandoned the placed where he       had been born. He seized (another place). He created for himself another       aeon inside a blaze of luminous fire, which still exists now.

      And he was stupefied in his Madness, the one who dwells within him, and he       begat some authorities for himself.

      The name of the first is Athoth, the one whom the generations call the       [reaper]. The second is Harmas, who is [the eye] of envy. The third is       Kalila-Oumbri. The fourth is Yabel. The fifth is Adonaiou, who is called       Sabaoth. The sixth is Cain, whom the generations of humanity call the sun.       The seventh is Abel. The eighth is Abrisene. The ninth is Yobel. The tenth       is Armoupieel. The eleventh is Melcheir-Adonein. The twelfth is Belias; he       is the one who is over the depth of Hades.

      And he set up seven kings over the seven heavens, one per firmament of       heaven, and five over the depth of the abyss so that they might rule.

12 And he divided his fire among them, but he did not send them       (anything) from the power of the light which he had received from his       Mother. For he is ignorant darkness. When the light mixed with the       darkness, it caused the darkness to shine, but when the darkness mixed       with the light, it darkened the light, so that it became neither light nor       dark, but it was weak.

      Now this weak ruler has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth. The       second is Saklas. The third is Samael. He is impious in his Madness, she       who dwells in him. For he said, am God and no other god exists except me,'       since he is ignorant of the place from which his strength had come.

      And the Rulers created seven powers for themselves. And the powers created       for each of them six angels until they had produced 365 angels.

      These are the bodies of the names: The first is Athoth; he has a sheep's       face. The second is Eloaiou; he has a donkey's face. The third is       Astaphaios; he has a hyena's face. The fourth is Yao; he has a serpent's       face with seven heads. The fifth is Sabaoth; he has a ser­pent's face. The       sixth is Adonin; he has a monkey's face. The sev­enth is Sabbede; he has a       fiery face which shines. This is the hebdomad of the week.

      But Yaldabaoth possessed a multitude of faces, adding up to more than all       of them, so that when he is in the midst of the seraphim, he could       masquerade in front of them all at will.

13 He shared with them (portions) from his fire.

      Because of the power of the glory which dwells in him from the light of       his Mother. he became Lord over them. Because of that, he called himself       God, and he was not obedient to the place from which he had come.

      And he mixed with the authorities who dwell with him. Through his thinking       and his speaking, seven powers came into being. And he named the powers       one after another, beginning with the highest (as follows): First is       Goodness/Christhood with the first (authority) Athoth. The second is       Pronoia with the second one Eloaio. The third is Divinity with the third       one Astraphaio. The fourth is Lord­ship with the fourth one Yao. The fifth       is kingdom with the fifth one Sabaoth. The sixth is Envy with the sixth       one Adonein. The seventh is Understanding with the seventh Sabbateon. For       these are those who have a firmament corresponding to each aeon. These       were named according to the glory of those who belong to heaven for the       destr[uction of the] power[s]. The names which they were given by the       Chief Begetter had power in them, but the names which were given to them       according to the glory of those who belong to heaven are for them       destruction and powerlessness. Thus they have two names.

      He ordered everything following the likeness of the first Aeons, which had       come into being, so that he might create them in the in­destructible       pattern. Not because he had seen the indestructible ones, but the power in       him which he had gotten from his Mother bore in him the likeness of the       world.

14 And when he saw the creation which surrounded him and the       multi­tude of the angels surrounding him who had came into being from him,       he said to them, 'I am a jealous God and no other god exists be­side me.'       But his proclamation indicated to the angels who dwell with him that       another God does exist. For if there were not another who exists, of whom       would he be jealous?

      The Mother began to wander. She understood her deficiency when the       brightness of her light was diminished and she was darkened, because her       partner had not been in concord with her."

      But I said, "Lord, what does it mean 'she wandered'?"

      He smiled and said, `Do not think it means as Moses said 'upon the       waters.' But in fact, when she saw the evil which had happened and the       theft which her offspring had committed, she repented and she was overcome       with forgetfulness in the darkness of ignorance. And she began to be       ashamed. [She did not dare] to return but [she was ...] in motion. This       movement is the wandering.

      The Arrogant one had gotten a power from his Mother. For he was ignorant,       thinking that no one existed except his Mother alone. And seeing the       multitude of the angels whom he had created, he then exalted himself over       them.

      And when the Mother understood that the garment of darkness was not       perfect, she then understood that her partner had not been in concord with       her. She repented with great weeping.

      And the entreaty of her repentance was heard and all the Fullness praised       the invisible virginal Spirit on her behalf. The holy Spirit poured over       her (something) from their entire Fullness. For her partner did not come       to her (by himself), but it was through the Fullness that he came to her       in order that he might correct her de­ficiency. Yet even so, she was not       conveyed to her own Aeon, but (was placed) above her child so that she       might dwell in the Ninth until she corrects her deficiency.

15 And a voice came from the exalted heavenly Aeon, The Human       ex­ists and the Child of the Human.' The Chief Ruler, Yaltabaoth, heard       it, but he thought that the voice had come from his Mother, and he did not       understand where it had come from.

      And the holy and perfect Mother-Father, the perfect Pronoia, the im­age of       the Invisible, who is the Father of the All, in whom the All came into       being, the first Human, taught them by revealing his like­ness in a male       model.

      The Aeon of the Chief Ruler trembled all over and the foundations of the       abyss quaked. And upon the waters which dwell under matter, the underside       was [illum]ined by the ap[pearance] of his image which had been revealed.       And when all the authorities and the Chief Ruler stared (on the water),       they saw all the region below which was shining. And by the light, they       saw the model of the image upon the water.

      And he said to the authorities who dwell with him, 'Come, let us create a       human according to the image of God and according to our likeness so that       his image might illuminate us.' And they created (using) the power from       each of them according to the characteristics which they had been given.

      And each one of the authorities supplied for (the human's) soul a       characteristic corresponding to the model of the image which he had seen.       He created a real being in accordance with the likeness of the perfect       first Human. And they said, 'Let us call him Adam in order that his name       might become a power of light for us.'

      And the powers began (their work): The first one, Goodness, cre­ated a       bone-soul. The second one, Pronoia, created a sinew-soul. The third one,       Divinity, made a flesh-soul. The fourth one, Lord­ship, made a       marrow-soul. The fifth one, Kingdom, made a blood-soul. The sixth one,       Envy, created a skin-soul. The seventh Understanding, created a hair-soul.      

      The multitude of the angels stood before him. They received the seven       substances of the soul from the powers so that they might create the       harmony of the parts and the harmony of the limbs and the proper       combination of each of the parts.

16 The first began to create (starting) from the head. Eteraphaope       Abron created its head. Megiggesstroeth created the brain. Asterechmen,       the right eye. Thaspomocham, the left eye. Yeronumos, the right ear.       Bissoum, the left ear. Akiopeim, the nose. Banen Ephroum, the lips. Amen,       the teeth. Ibikan, the molars. Basiliasdeme, the tonsils. Achcha, the       uvula. Adaban, the neck. Chaaman, the vertebrae. Dearcho, the throat.       Tebar, the right shoulder. N[. . . the] left shoulder. Mniarchon, the       right elbow. [... the] left elbow. Abitrion, the right underarm. Evanthen,       the left underarm. Krys, the right hand. Beluia, the left hand. Treneu,       the fingers of the right hand. Balbel, the fingers of the left hand.       Kriman, the fingernails. Astrops, the right breast. Barroph, the left       breast. Baoum, the right shoulder joint. Ararim, the left shoulder joint.       Areche, the belly. Phthave, the navel. Senaphim, the abdomen. Arachethopi,       the right ribs. Zabedo, the left ribs. Barias, the right hip. Phnouth, the       left hip. Abenlenarchei, the marrow. Chnoumeninorin, the bones. Gesole,       the stomach. Agromauma, the heart. Bano, the lungs. Sostrapal, the liver.       Anesimalar, the spleen. Thopithro, the intes­tines. Biblo, the kidneys.       Roeror, the sinews. Taphreo, the spine of the body. lpouspoboba, the       veins. Bineborin, the arteries. Aatoimenpsephei, theirs are the breaths       which are in all the parts. Entholleia, all the flesh. Bedouk, the right       buttock (?). Arabeei, the left <buttock. . . .>, the penis. Eilo, the       testicles. Sorma created the genitals. Gorma Kaiochlabar, the right thigh.       Nebrith, the left thigh. Pserem, the kidneys (muscles?) of the right side.       Asaklas, the left kidney (muscle). Ormaoth, the right knee. Emenun, the       left knee. Knyx, the right shin. Tupelon, the left shin. Achiel, the right       ankle. Phneme, the left ankle. Phiouthrom, the right foot. Boabel, its       toes. Trachoun, the left foot. Phikna, its toes. Miamai, the toenails.       Labernioum <...>.

      And seven were appointed over all these: Athoth, Armas, Kalila, Yabel,       Sabaoth, Cain, Abel.

17 And those who animate the parts are, according to parts: the       head, Diolimodraza. The neck, Yammaeax. The right shoulder, Yakoubib. The       left shoulder, Verton. The right hand, Oudidi. The left, Arbao. The       fingers of the right hand, Lampno. The fingers of the left hand, Leekaphar.       The right breast, Barbar. The left breast, Imae. The chest, Pisandraptes.       The right shoulder joint, Koade. The left shoulder joint, Odeaor. The       right ribs, Asphixix. The left ribs, Synogchouta. The belly, Arouph. The       womb, Sabalo. The right thigh, Charcharb. The left thigh, Chthaon. All.       the genitals, Bathinoth. The right knee, Choux. The left knee, Charcha.       The right shin, Aroer. The left shin, Toechtha. The right ankle, Aol. The       left ankle, Charaner. The right foot, Bastan. Its toes, Archentechtha. The       left foot, Marephnounth. Its toes, Abrana.

      Seven, 7, [have power] over all of these: Michael, Ouriel, Asmenedas,       Saphasatoel, Aarmouriam, Richram, Amiorps.

      And those who are over the senses, Archendekta. And the one over the       perception, Deitharbathas. And the one over the imagina­tion, Oummaa. And       the one over the assent, Aachiaram. And the one over the whole impulse,       Riaramnacho.

      And the source of these demons who are in the whole body is fixed as four:       heat, cold, wetness, dryness. And the mother of them all is matter. The       one who rules over the heat, Phloxpha. The one who rules over the cold,       Oroorrothos. The one who rules over what is dry, Erimacho. "The one who       rules over the wetness, Athuro. The mother of all these, Onorthochrasaei       who is limitless, stands in their midst and she mixes with them all. And       truly she is matter, for they are nourished by her.

      Ephememphi is the one who belongs to pleasure. Yoko is the one who belongs       to desire. Nenentophni is the one who belongs to grief. Blaomen is the one       who belongs to fear. The mother of them all is Esthensis Ouch Epiptoe. The       passions come into being from these four demons. From grief (comes) envy,       jealousy, suffering, trouble, pain, heartlessness, anxiety, mourning, and       the rest. And from pleasure comes much wickedness and empty boasting and       simi­lar things. From desire (comes) anger, wrath, bitterness, bitter       yearn­ing, insatiable greed and similar things. From fear (comes) panic,       flattery, anguish, shame. These all resemble virtues as well as vices. The       insight into their true character is Anaro, who is the head of the       material soul which dwells with the seven senses Ouch Epiptoe. This is the       number of the angels: altogether they are 365. They all labored on it       until, part by part, the psychic and material body was completed. Now       others whom I have not mentioned to you rule over the rest.

      If you want to know about them, it is written in the Book of Zoroaster.

      And all the angels and demons labored until they had created the psychic       body.

18 And their product was completely inactive and motionless for a       long time.

      But when the Mother wanted to retrieve the power which she had given to       the Chief Ruler, she entreated the Mother-Father of the All, the one who       possesses great mercy. Following the holy design, he sent the five Lights       down to the place of the angels of the Chief Ruler. They advised him with       the goal of extracting the power of the Mother.

      And they said to Yaldabaoth, 'Breathe into his face by your spirit and his       body will arise.' And into his face he blew his spirit, which is the power       of his Mother. He did not understand because he dwells in ignorance. And       the power of the Mother left Yaldabaoth and went into the psychic body       that they had made according to the likeness of the one who exists from       the beginning. The body moved and gained power, and it was luminous.

      And in that moment, the rest of the powers became jealous for it was       because of them all that he had come into being and they had given their       power to the human.

      Yet his understanding was stronger than those who had made him and greater       even than the Chief Ruler. When they understood that he was luminous,       could think better than they did, and was naked of evil, they picked him       up and threw him down into the lowest part of all matter.

      But the Blessed one, the Mother-Father, the beneficent and merciful, had       mercy upon the Mother's power that had been brought forth from the Chief       Ruler lest yet again they might have power over the psychic and       perceptible body. So through his beneficent Spirit and his great mercy, he       sent a helper to Adam. She is a luminous Epinoia, who is from him (and)       who was called Life. It is she who aids the whole creation by toiling with       him, guiding him by cor­rection toward his fullness, and teaching him       about the descent of the seed and teaching him about the path of ascent,       the path which it had come down. The Epinoia of the light was hidden in       Adam in order that the rulers might not know, but Epinoia existed as a       cor­rection for the deficiency of the Mother.

19 And the human appeared because of the shadow of the light which       exists within him. And his thought was superior to all those who had       created him. When they looked up, they saw that his thought was superior,       and they took counsel with the whole host of the rulers and the angels.       They took some fire, earth, and water. They mixed them together with each       other and the four fiery winds. And they wrought them together and made a       great disturbance.

      And they enclosed him in the shadow of death in order that they might yet       again form from earth, water, fire, and spirit a thing from matter, which       is the ignorance of the darkness, desire, and their counterfeit spirit.       This is the tomb of the molding of the body with which the robbers clothed       the human, the chain of forgetfulness. And he came to be a mortal human.      

      This is the one who came down first and the first partition. The Epinoia       of the light who was in him is the one who will awaken his thinking.

20 And the Rulers took him and they placed him in paradise. And       they said to him, 'Eat that is in idleness. For indeed their       delight is bitter and their beauty is licentious. For their delight is       deception and their trees are impiety. And their fruit is an incurable       poison and their promise is death. And in the midst of paradise, they       planted the tree of their life.

      But I, I will teach you what the mystery of their life is, the plan they       made with each other, the likeness of their spirit.

      Its root is bitter and its branches are deaths. Its shade is hate and       deception dwells in its leaves. And its blossom is the anoint­ment of       evil. And its fruit is death, and desire is its seed, and it blossoms from       the darkness. The dwelling place of those who taste from it is Hades, and       the dark is their resting place.

      But what they call 'the tree of the knowledge of what is good and evil' is       the Epinoia of the light. They (the rulers) remained in front of it in       order that he might not look up to his fullness and come to know the       nakedness of his shamefulness. But as for me, I set them right so that       they would eat."

      And I said to the Savior, "Lord, was it not the snake who taught Adam so       that he would eat?"

      The Savior laughed and said, "The snake taught them to eat from a wicked       desire to sow which belongs to destruction, in order that he (Adam) would       become useful to it. And it knew that he was dis­obedient to it because       the light of Epinoia dwelled in him, making him more correct in his       thinking than the Chief Ruler.

21 And he wanted to bring out the power which he had given to him.       And he brought a trance upon Adam."

      And I said to the Savior, "What is the trance?"

      He said, "It is not as Moses wrote as you heard. For he said in his first       book that he laid him down in sleep, but rather it concerned his       sensibility. For indeed it is said by the prophet, 'I will make their       hearts heavy so that they might neither give heed nor see.'

      Then the Epinoia of the light hid in him.

      And the Chief Ruler wanted to bring her from his rib. But the Epinoia of       the light is not graspable. Although the dark pursued her, it did not lay       hold of her.

      And he brought forth a part of his power from him (Adam). And he created       another molded form in a woman's shape according to the image of Epinoia       who had appeared to him. And into the molded form of womanhood he put the       part which he had taken from the power of the human— not 'his rib' as       Moses said. And he saw the woman beside him.

      Immediately, the luminous Epinoia appeared for she had uncovered the veil       which had been on his understanding. He became sober from the drunkenness       of the darkness and he recognized his likeness. And he said, 'Now this is       bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. Because of this, man will       leave his father and his mother and he will cling to his wife and they       will no longer be two but a single flesh.' For his partner will be sent to       him and he will leave his father and his mother.

      It is our sister Sophia who came down in innocence in order that she might       correct her deficiency. Because of this she was called Zoe (Life), the       mother of the living by Pronoia of the au­thority of heaven and [...] to       him [. . .]. And through her they tasted the perfect knowledge.

      In the form of an eagle, I appeared on the tree of knowledge, which is the       Epinoia from the pure, luminous Pronoia, so that I might teach them and       awaken them from the depth of the sleep. For they were both in a fallen       state and they recognized their na­kedness. Epinoia appeared to them as       light, awakening their thought.

22 But when Yaldabaoth knew that they had withdrawn from him, he       cursed his earth. He found the female preparing herself for her male. He       was lord over her, for he did not understand the mystery which had come to       pass from the holy design. And they were afraid to blame him. And he       revealed his ignorance that dwelled in him to his angels. And he cast them       out of paradise and he clothed them with a dark gloom.

      And the Chief Ruler saw the virgin who stood beside Adam and that the       living luminous Epinoia appeared in her. And Yaldabaoth was filled with       ignorance.

      When the Pronoia of the All knew, she sent some beings and they snatched       Zoe from Eve. And the Chief Ruler defiled her. And he begat two sons from       her. The first is Eloim and the sec­ond is Yawe. Eloim has a bear face       while Yawe has a lion face. The one is righteous while the other is       unrighteous. (IV Yawe is righ­teous, but Eloim is unrighteous.) He set       Yawe over the fire and the wind, while he set Eloim over water and earth.       He named these Cain and Abel with trickery in mind.

      Now up to the present day, intercourse has continued from the Chief Ruler.       And he planted a seed of desire in her who belongs to Adam. From       intercourse he caused birth in the likeness of bodies and he supplied them       from his counterfeit spirit. He set two rulers over the principalities so       that they might rule over the tomb.

      When Adam perceived the likeness of his own foreknowledge, he begot the       likeness of the Child of the Human; he called him Seth following the way       of the generation in the aeons.

      Likewise the Mother also sent down her Spirit in the likeness of the       female being who is like her, as a counterpart to she who is in the       Fullness, so that she might prepare a dwelling place for the aeons that       were going to descend.

      And they were made to drink water of forgetfulness by the Chief Ruler so       that they would not know themselves (and would not know) where they had       come from.

      And the seed existed like this for while: providing assistance, so that       when the Spirit descends from the holy aeons, it will correct (the seed)       and heal it from the deficiency so that the entire Fullness might become       holy and without deficiency."

23 I said to the Savior, "Lord, will all the souls be delivered       into the pure light"?

      He replied, saying to me, "These are great things that have arisen in your       thinking. For it is difficult to disclose these things to any others       except those who are from the immovable generation. Those upon whom the       Spirit of the Life will descend and (with whom) it will be powerfully       present, they will be saved and will become perfect. And they will become       worthy of the great realms. And they will be purified in that place from       all evil and the concerns of wickedness. Then they will not take care for       anything except the imperishability alone, attending to it from this point       on without anger or envy or jealousy or desire or greed of anything at       all. For they are not re­strained by anything except the reality of the       flesh alone, which they bear while fervently awaiting the time when they       will be visited by those who will receive (them). For such as these are       worthy of the imperishable eternal life and the calling, enduring       everything, bear­ing everything so that they might complete the contest       and inherit eternal life."

      I said to him, "Lord, will the souls of those upon whom the power of the       Spirit of Life descended but who did not do these works be e[xcluded]?"

      He repli[ed, s]aying to me, "If [the] Spirit descends [up]on them, they       will be saved in any case, and they will migrate. For the power will       descend upon every human being—for without it, no one is able to stand       upright. After they are born, then if the Spirit of Life in­creases and       the power comes to strengthen that soul, it is not possi­ble to lead it       astray into the works of wickedness. But those upon whom the counterfeit       spirit descends are drawn by it and they are led astray."

      I said, "Lord, then when the souls of those leave their flesh, where will       they got'

      He laughed and said to me, "The soul in which the power will be­come       stronger than the despicable spirit— for this one (the soul) is powerful       and it flees from evil— it will be saved by the visitation of the       Incorruptible and it will be admitted into the repose of the aeons.

      I said, "Lord, then where will the souls be who do not know to whom their       souls belong?"

      He said to me, "In those, the despicable spirit has proliferated by       leading them astray. He burdens the soul and draws it into works of       wickedness, and he casts it down into forgetfulness. After it comes forth,       they hand it over to the authorities who came into being through the       Ruler. And they bind it in chains and cast it into prison. And they       consort with it until it awakens from forgetfulness and receives       knowledge. And in this way, it is perfected and saved."

      I said, "Lord, how does the soul become smaller and return back into the       nature of its mother or the human?"

      Then he rejoiced when I asked this, and he said to me, "Truly you are       blessed, for you have understood! That soul is made to follow another who       has the Spirit of Life in it. It is saved by that (other) one. Then it is       not cast into another flesh."

      And I said, "Lord, what about those who understood and yet turned away?       Where will their souls go?"

      Then he said to me, "They will be admitted into that place where the       angels of poverty go, the place where repentance does not occur. And they       will guard them until that day when those who have blasphemed against the       Spirit will be tortured. And they will be pun­ished with an eternal       punishment."

24 I said, "Lord, where did the despicable spirit come from?"

      Then he said to me, "(It all began when) the Mother-Father whose mercy is       great, the Spirit who is holy in every respect, the compassionate, and who       troubles herself with you, that is, the Epinoia of the luminous Pronoia       awakened the seed of the perfect generation and its thinking and the       eternal light of the Human. When the Chief Ruler knew that they surpassed       him in excellence—for their thoughts were higher than his— he wanted to       restrict their planning, for he was ig­norant that they excelled him in       thinking and that he would not be able to restrict them. He made a plan       with his authorities, that is, his powers. Together they committed       adultery with Sophia. And through them was begotten bitter Fate, which is       the last of the counterfeit chains. And it is such that (it makes) each       one different from every other. And it is painful and it oppresses that       (soul) since the gods and angels and demons and all the generations have       inter­mingled with it up to the present day. For from that Fate appeared       every iniquity and injustice and blasphemy and the fetter of forgetfulness       and ignorance and every harsh command and severe sins and great fears. And       this is how they made the whole creation blind so that they might not know       the God who is above them all. And be­cause of the fetter of       forgetfulness, their sins were hidden. For they were bound with measures       and times and seasons—for it (Fate) was lord over them all.

      And he had regrets about everything which had come into being through him.       Again he planned to bring a flood over the human creation.

      But the greatness of the light of Pronoia taught Noah. And he preached to       the whole offspring, that is, the children of the humans. But those who       were strangers to him did not listen to him. It is not like Moses said       that they hid themselves in an ark, but they were hidden — not only Noah,       but many other people from the immovable generation.

      They entered a place. They were hidden in a luminous cloud. And he       understood his authority. And she who belongs to the light was with him       for she illumined them, for he had brought dark­ness upon the whole earth.

25 And he created a plan with his powers. He sent his angels to the       daughters of men so that they might take some of them for them­selves, and       they might raise a seed, to be a respite for them. And at first they were       not successful, but when they did not succeed, they gathered together       again and made another plan. They created a de­spicable spirit in the       likeness of the Spirit who had descended so that through it they might       pollute the souls.

      And the angels changed their own likenesses into the likeness of each       one's mate, filling them with the spirit of darkness, which they mixed       with them and with wickedness.

      They brought gold, silver, a gift, and copper and iron and metal and every       sort of thing belonging to these classes. And they beguiled the human       beings who had followed them into great troubles by leading them astray       into much error.

      They grew old without having enjoyment. They died without having found any       truth and without having known the God of Truth. And thus the whole       creation became enslaved forever, from the foundation of the world until       now.

      And they took women; they begot children out of darkness ac­cording to the       likeness of their spirit. And their hearts became closed and hardened by       the hardening of the despicable spirit until now.

26 Therefore I, the perfect Pronoia of the All, changed into my       seed. For I existed from the first, traveling on every road. For I am the       wealth of the light. I am the remembrance of the fullness. I traveled into       the vastness of the dark, and I persevered until I entered the midst of       the prison. And the foundations of chaos quaked. And I hid myself from       them because of their evil, and they did not recog­nize me.

      Again I returned for the second time and I traveled. I came forth into       those who belong to the light, which is I, the remembrance of the Pronoia.       I entered the midst of the dark and the inside of Hades, seeking to put my       household in order. And the founda­tions of chaos quaked such that (it       seemed) they would fall down upon those who dwell in the chaos and destroy       them. And again I fled up to my luminous root so that they would not be       destroyed before the time was right.

      Still for a third time, I who am the light that exists in the light and       the remembrance of the Pronoia, I traveled in order to enter into the       midst of the darkness and the inside of Hades. I filled my coun­tenance       with the light of the consummation of their aeon. And I entered the midst       of their prison, which is the prison of the body. And I said, 'Whoever       hears, arise from lethargic sleep!'

      And he wept, shedding tears; heavy tears he wiped from himself. And he       said, 'Who is it who calls my name and from where does this hope come to       me who am dwelling in the fetters of the prison?' And I said, `I am the       Pronoia of the pure light; I am the thought of the virginal Spirit, the       one who raises you to the place of honor. Arise and remember that you are       the one who has heard, and fol­low your root, which is I, the       compassionate. Fortify yourself against the angels of poverty and the       demons of chaos and all those who en­snare you, and be watchful of the       lethargic sleep and the garment of the inside of Hades.'

And I raised him up and sealed him with the light of the water with five       seals so that death would not have power over him from this day on.

27 Behold, now I will go up to the perfect aeon. I have completed       everything for you in your ears. I have told you ( John) all things so       that you might write them down and give them in secret to your fel­low       spirits. For this is the mystery of the immoveable generation." And the       Savior gave these things to him so that he might write them       down and keep them secure.

      And he said to him, "Cursed be any one who should exchange these things       for a gift, whether for food or drink or clothing or any­thing else of       this kind."

      And these things were given to him in a mystery. And immedi­ately he       disappeared before him. And he ( John) went to his fellow disciples. He       related to them the things which the Savior had said to him.

      Jesus Christ Amen.

      The Secret Revelation according to John


Based on the translation in:
Michael Waldstein and Frederik Wisse,
The Apocryphon of John: Synopsis of Nag Hammadi Codices II,1;III,1; And IV,1 With BG 8502,2 ,
Brill Academic Pub, 1995


The Secret Writings of John

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